Availability shipping estimate 6-8 weeks from the date the order is placed

The Deluxe Monolift is designed based on significant research and development, as well as the experience of dozens of the world's top lifters. Between its sturdy construction and thoughtful design, we know you won't squat out of it disappointed.

8-10 week lead time.

Please contact sbell@elitefts.net to discuss colour options and up to date lead time

In stock

So what makes this Monolift different than any other?

Band Attachments: These allows you to set up and use the bands much easier. The widest setting (the widest distance between the band pegs) is by far the most tension we have ever felt. You no longer have to use a special device to tighten the bands or attach a 2x4 to the side of the monolift.

Textured Posts: The textured posts on the Deluxe Monolift are the same as are featured on the EFS Collegiate Rack. These are the black vertical posts. Not only do these make the equipment look better but they can stand up to more punishment.

UHMW protection: What the hell is UHMW? It's a fancy way of saying "plastic." The UHMW protection is applied to the places on the monolift that take the most abuse (the top of the feet from chains, the sides where you would lean the plates) as a form of protection. No more scratching paint and ruining an integral part of your training arsenal.

More information on the Deluxe Monolift

This specially designed squat stand allows for optimal squat training by taking the walkout out of the lift. You un-rack the weight while your training partner pulls the lever that moves the rack hooks forward. The hydraulic lift and lever support stands adjust for all heights and hand positions.

  • This is a must for heavy band usage
  • Made for heavy competitive and commercial use
  • Excellent for all types of squats, box squats and good morning movements
  • Extra wide base for wide squatting
  • Total Footprint: 1.6M W x 1.35M D

If you are a serious power lifter, meet promoter, trainer or strength coach the Mono Style Squat stand will change you forever. Meets run faster, weight changes smother, and training in groups is no longer a problem. It only takes seconds to change rack heights or move the weight hooks to different positions.

elitefts™.com Inc. does not support or endorse the use of any suspension strap, chain, rope, band or other device from the top of this equipment. This can result in serious injury and or death. Using such attachments is at the risk and liability of the user and not that of elitefts™.com Inc., its partners, or its manufacturers.

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